Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve provided answers to the most frequently asked questions. And if we didn’t cover your specific question, you will likely find an answer to your question in our Help Center or in our Guides. Use the Search function at the top of the page to get started.

What makes GroupSpot different?

GroupSpot takes the friction out of running organized groups. We’ve reduced the noise by foregoing impossible-to-avoid advertising, polarizing algorithms, and meddling influencers, thus streamlining the experience for both admins and members. We take pride in delivering a sense of community for members, unlimited utility for admins, and airtight privacy for all that comes from a high-trust, closed group.

Does GroupSpot sell my data?

No, GroupSpot will never sell your data. Because GroupSpot doesn’t sell advertising, we have no incentive to track, mine, and monetize your private information. Just as Privacy is a core value in your real life, GroupSpot makes it a core value in your digital life.

How much does GroupSpot cost?

GroupSpot will continue to offer a free communications tier to members; Additionally, starting in 2024, GroupSpot will offer a paid tier for groups looking for more advanced features (Payments, Registration, etc.).

Can I get a demo?

Absolutely! We would be happy to show you around over Zoom. Just fill out the Request a Demo form and we will pair you with a specialist familiar with your group type. Zoom tutorials are a great way to get familiar with the app and see firsthand how easy-to-use and fun GroupSpot truly is.

What types of groups are on GroupSpot?

GroupSpot serves a number of large, organized groups like sports and academic teams, booster clubs, faith groups, scouts, music groups, Greek life, and nonprofits, but it’s growing across less formal groups like friends and families. Because GroupSpot’s standard feature set serves most group types (great feed, versatile chat, robust calendars, repository for media, etc.), it can be used by any group interested in building community within the security of a private, high-trust group. 

Can I use GroupSpot for my business?

Yes! GroupSpot not only has the ability to serve all types of everyday, real-life groups with its flexible feature set, but it also has the ability to serve enterprise customers like businesses, nonprofits and trade associations looking for custom solutions (API integrations, etc.) and/or custom features (virtual mobile directory, etc.).

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