What Settings are Available to Owners?

Owners have access to all Group Settings. Oftentimes they have started your group and thus, they have access to your group’s identity: name, header image, and avatar. But they also determine a host of other important decisions regarding your group such as privacy settings, member management, available features, and general organization of the group. Let’s explore the menu of options under Owner Settings within your Group Settings:\


This is where you will populate most of the details about your group. This includes your group Name, Scoreboard Name if your group is a team, Headline, Location, social media, About, and any Rules you might have for the group. At the very bottom of this list you will find an automated invite message that gets sent when group invites go out via text or email. Here you can update that text to personalize the invite custom to your group in your words.


This is where you go to either add or update your Avatar, Header, and Color if a team. These are important characteristics of your group identity. They are the first group images people see so they are important in defining who your group is and what your group is about.


This is where you can change your default view from the current Feed View to Calendar View. This alternate default view was created for simple group management. For example, youth sports often only want and need access to their upcoming schedule and RSVP which is provided in calendar view. Additionally, you can choose to turn on Display Timezone on Events. You would turn this on if you have members of your group from different parts of the world.


This is arguably the most important owner setting. First, decide whether you want your group Searchable or not. Then decide whether you want to Enable Personal Chats and Group Chat. Once those decisions are made, you can add or update your Membership Questions. These are essentially screening questions to help owners determine whether to let the requesting member join the group. The final and most important questions are Who Can Join? and Who Can Post and Comment?


This is a running list of your membership. If your group uses subgroups, you can sort by subgroup to focus on a subset of your membership. Choose the desired member to access their member profile which mirrors what you would find in your Member Directory. This is where you can Manage Member which includes promoting them from member to admin or co-owner, demote them from admin to member, remove them from the group, or even ban them from the group.


This is the full list of available features that can be made available to your group. While GroupSpot defaults on select features depending on your group type, you can add many more features for your group. Some of the most popular features include Photos, Videos, Attachments, Forms, and Signups.


This is where owners go to really get their groups organized. Here you can create Subgroups, smaller groups within the larger group, Sister Groups, related groups in case you want to cross-post across like groups, and finally Clone Group, which allows you to duplicate your group.

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