What Personal Settings are Available on GroupSpot?

GroupSpot has a few important personal settings to highlight. The most important thing to know is that unlike most other platforms, your personal settings on GroupSpot can be adjusted on a group-by-group basis. This includes your personal Notifications, Profile Visibility, Subgroups, and your personal Profiles. The first three personal settings you will find when you open your group settings.

Personal Notifications can be adjusted across important group announcements, posts, chat, and all the way down to comments. If you’re in a chatty group, and receiving too many notifications, GroupSpot makes it easy to dial them down… or off altogether.

Profile Visibility can also be adjusted on a group-by-group basis. We know that in certain groups, you may feel comfortable sharing all your personal contact details, while in other groups, you may not feel like sharing anything, which is OK too. All your personal contact details associated with your profile are off by default, including your public social media. You have to proactively turn them on to make them visible to your group. This ensures that your private details remain just that, private, unless you’re comfortable sharing.

In the event that your group uses Subgroups, smaller groups within the larger group, and your group leaders let their members pick their own subgroups, you will see them listed in your personal settings. Once selected, you can choose which subgroups you want to belong to and access.

Finally, you can create multiple Profiles on GroupSpot. This means you can set your profile on a group-by-group basis. So if you’re Robert in professional circles and Rob in personal circles, that can be reflected in the profile you create. You may also share different social media handles per profile depending on your audience. All this can be managed within your profiles.

Most importantly, you have control over your personal settings. We understand that the groups you belong to are not the same, therefore your personal settings should not stay the same either.

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