Joining a Group With an Invite Link

Invite links are the most common way to invite new members to a group. They can be shared in email or text and are easy to access.

For Groups That Require Membership Approval

1. Click on the invite link from your email or text invite.

2. GroupSpot will automatically open (if not open already) and you will be asked to VIEW INVITATION or DECLINE INVITATION.

3. Select View Invite to open the invite.

4. If you have more than one profile, choose your profile.

5. If the group has required membership questions, answer the questions.

6. Once all that is in order, then click REQUEST TO JOIN.

For Groups Where Anyone Can Join

1. Click on the invite link from your email or text invite.

2. Choose your profile and answer any membership questions (if applicable) and then JOIN.

For Private Groups With Single-Use Invites

1. Click on the invite link from your email or text invite.

2. Choose your profile and answer any membership questions (if applicable) and then JOIN.

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