Joining a Group

Joining a group on GroupSpot is easy. There are two different paths depending on whether this is your first time on GroupSpot or if you’ve joined multiple groups.

New to GroupSpot

For first-timers, there are a few steps that need to happen before you join your new group. Regardless of how you’ve been invited (email, text, QR Code, etc.), you will first be routed to your respective app store where you will need to download GroupSpot. Once downloaded, you will OPEN the app and create an account on GroupSpot. Once your account has been created, there are three ways to join:

Invite Link - Invite links are the most common way to invite new members to a group. They can come in an email or text and are easy to access. 

Invite Code - Invite codes are helpful if you don’t have an invite link. From your group’s home screen, select the QR code icon at the top right to get to the new screen where your invite code can be typed in.

QR Code - QR Codes are great when you’re sitting next to someone looking to join your group. They are easy to pull up and scan by the member prospect.

Already have GroupSpot Account

Members who belong to at least one other GroupSpot have an easy time adding their second, third, and fourth groups. Their GroupSpot account has already been created, they’ve created a profile, and all they need to do is follow the steps above once they’ve accessed one of the three invite types.

Start your group now and join our community!