How to Transfer Members From One Group to Another

There are times when Admins overseeing multiple groups need to move a member from one group to the next. A member could have aged out of the original group, graduated, or been promoted – this happens all the time in sports, booster clubs, school organizations, scouts, Greek groups, and more.

To get started, there are a few small things that need to be in place to make a member transfer. First, only Owners in the group can transfer members. Second, these Owners would need to be Owners of both groups involved in the member transfer. Lastly, Owners would need to establish a connection between these two groups by creating a sister group relationship which connects like groups.

Creating Sister Group Relationships:

Here’s how to create a sister group relationship between two groups:

1. From your group menu, choose Settings from the top row.

2. Scroll down and select Organization.

3. Choose Sister Groups from the options.

4. Once selected, any group that the organizer is an Owner of will appear in a list to choose from. He then selects the group to establish a sister group relationship and then hits SAVE

Transferring Members:

Once the two groups are connected as sister groups, you’re ready to transfer members from one group to the next.  Here’s how to make the actual transfer:

1. From your group menu, choose Members from the top row of choices.

2. Find the member from the list and open his/her profile. 

3. Select the Manage Member button.

4. Scroll the bottom of the member’s profile and select the Transfer to Sister Group button.

5. Choose the appropriate Sister Group to make the transfer and select DONE.

6. Once selected, you will be asked what you would like to do with the member’s membership in the original group. You can keep it as is or remove it altogether. If you’ve made a mistake or need to make this transfer later, you can just Cancel Transfer.

7. Follow these same steps if you need to move additional members as well. 

On GroupSpot, we’ve made transferring members a whole lot easier for administrators across all different group types. 

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