How to Create a New Season

For teams that have made their home on GroupSpot, there comes a time for Owners to bookend the current season before heading into the next season. This usually happens when the new schedule or roster becomes available, and the attention shifts from the past to the future. This is easily managed by using GroupSpot’s Seasons feature.

Your First Season:

To create your team's first-ever Season.

1. You can either tap on the games icon from your group’s home screen or open your group menu and select Games (also called Meets, Competitions, or Matches depending on the sport).

2. In the top navigation, choose Create Season in blue

You will then be prompted to Name Your Season

Once you’ve named your new season, hit the Create Season button in green and you’re good to go.

Another Way:

Alternately, you can access Seasons from your Settings located in your group menu. On the new screen, you will see Seasons listed under Feature Settings. And then follow the same steps above. For you to archive your team’s history properly into Seasons, you need to end the existing season first before creating the new season second.

Adding Your Next Season:

When it comes time to create your second, third, or later seasons, you will have to access Seasons from your Settings. From there, just click on the + button in the top right to get started with the creation of the new season. In addition to giving your new season a name, you will also be asked if you want to clone the existing roster. This is especially important for teams with returning players who stay on the roster for the new season.

Take a high school team for example, you would just remove the graduating seniors and add the incoming freshman. This is very easy to do, especially if you assign the graduating year to their class and then sort by class when updating.

Accessing Your Games & Rosters by Season

Once your new season is created, you can access your  games and rosters by season from your landing screen just below your group header image or from your group menu. You can now look at your team schedules and rosters by season. Before you know it, you’ll have a full repository of your team’s history on GroupSpot.

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