How to Add Venmo to Your Profile in the Member Directory

Venmo has become a popular way to make payments between two parties. Many people have personal Venmo handles and many groups may even have a business handle. You can include your Venmo handle on your personal profile in the member directory. Adding your Venmo handle can happen in one of two ways, just follow these simple steps:

From Your Member Directory

1. Open your member directory, locate your name from the list, and tap into your profile. Click the pencil icon to edit.

2. Choose Update Your Profile at the top of the screen.

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen where you will find Venmo.

4. Tap on that row and type in your handle or that of your business and then SAVE.

5. Once saved, you need to make this information visible to the group. Scroll down to the bottom of this list of personal information where you will find Venmo.

6. Toggle on Venmo to make your handle visible with this group.

From Your Profile

1. From your Group List screen, tap the profile icon to get started.

2. Tap on Profiles and choose the profile that you want to add your Venmo handle to.

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen where you will find Venmo.

4. Follow the remaining instructions above to add your personal or business Venmo.

Once your Venmo handle has been added to your profile and made visible, members will see this handle when they open your profile in the member directory. All they need to do is click the handle and it will open Venmo to the designated account where they can make their payment.

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