How Do I Update My Group’s Privacy Settings?

GroupSpot gives Owners the flexibility to update your privacy settings at any time. This includes changing your group’s visibility, chat preferences, membership questions, and group settings.

1. From your group’s home screen, select the menu icon at the top of your screen, and then select Settings from the menu options

2. Next, select Privacy under Owner Settings.

3. Identify which changes to your Group's Privacy settings you wish to make:

  • The first decision is whether to Enable Group and Personal Chats. These are defaulted on, but they are easy to toggle off if your group gets too chatty. 
  • Next are Membership Questions. These are great if you need more information about members looking to join the group before approving them. 
  • The final privacy decisions you need to make on this screen are Who Can Join? and Who Can Post & Comment? Set your privacy settings to fit your group.

Once you’ve updated your privacy settings, changes will automatically save when you exit this screen.

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