Creating a Photo Album or Shared Photo Album

GroupSpot gives you the ability to turn a standard photo post into a traditional photo album or shared photo album, providing the maximum flexibility with your photo posts. 

1. From your group’s home screen, select the blue Post button to get started. Once you’ve chosen your post type, you arrive at the create post screen.

2. Add a title and details about your post if you like. These are not mandatory fields but they are helpful in cataloging your photos and albums. 

3. Next locate the Camera icon from the bottom right corner of the new post screen, and select Album from the menu that appears. 

4. Choose your photos and then select Done in the top right corner. If you’re on a weak WIFI connection, we recommend uploading a smaller batch of ~20 photos at a time. If you’re on a good connection, feel free to add more.\

5. Once the photos have been uploaded to your post, you can change your Photo Display from Standard to Album or Shared Album. In a traditional photo album, the only photos that can be added are ones from the member who created the album; in a shared photo album, photos can be added by anyone in the group. 

6. When you’re ready to post, select the Green POST button in the top right corner and your new photo album or shared photo album will display in your feed.


When viewing photos in a Shared Photo Album, the name and avatar of the member who added each photo will be displayed. When many different people are sharing photos, it’s fun to see the different publishers and overall engagement.

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