Correcting Common Roster Mistakes (Merging Duplicate Roster Cards & Assigning Roster Contacts)

Identifying your role on the team during the roster onboarding process is very important. This is where parent and player information gets connected on the player’s roster card and where staff and coaches are identified. It’s important to remember that Rosters are virtual entries, meaning players don’t need to be in the group to be listed on the roster. In contrast, Member Directories are the real-life members of your group.

When it comes to rosters, if a mistake is made during the onboarding process, coaches and admins can easily correct the common roster onboarding mistakes by merging duplicate player cards or assigning roster contacts to connect players and parents. Let’s review how to fix these common mistakes.

Merging Duplicate Player Cards

If a player joins the group and correctly joins the team roster as a player, but mistakenly adds his name to the list of rostered players even though the Coach and/or parent has already included their name on the list, this creates duplicate roster cards for the same player. This is easy to correct:

1. Open up your Roster feature from either your group’s landing page or your group menu.

2. Select the correct name of the player with duplicate roster cards.

3. Once the player is selected, tap the pencil icon at the top right of the player’s roster profile to edit.

4. At the bottom of that player’s roster card, choose Merge Duplicate Cards.

5. Next, Coaches and Admins are asked to merge the player’s current entry with the appropriate duplicate.

6. Once you find the duplicate entry from your list of players, select it and Merge the two profiles when the confirmation pops up.

7. Once merged, the duplicate roster cards will no longer exist and your roster will be back in order.

Editing & Assigning Roster Contacts

If a parent or player in your group accidentally chooses the incorrect role and doesn’t connect themselves with the appropriate roster profile, don’t worry, this is fixable as well. This happens most frequently when parents and/or players rush through the onboarding process and miss the question about how they’re connected to the team. A Coach or admin can fix this mistake once they realize what has happened or the parent/player notifies them that a fix is needed.

1. Open up your Roster feature from either your group’s landing page or your group menu.

2. Select the correct name of the player from the list of players.

3. Tap the pencil icon at the top right of the player’s roster profile to edit.

4. At the top of the screen, choose the top right contacts icon to edit the profiles in question.

5. At the top of the next screen, you will see two tabs, Parent Contacts and Player Contact.

Connecting Parents with a Rostered Player

To connect a rostered player with a parent who accidentally didn’t connect themselves with their child during the onboarding process, the admin can now choose the parent’s name from the list and then connect the parent to the rostered player.

Repeat the process again if you need to connect two parents with their rostered player or parents with multiple players on the same team.

Connecting a Player with his Roster Entry

To connect a real-life player who accidentally didn’t connect themselves with his/her roster entry during the onboarding process, the Coach or admin can now choose the player’s name from the list and then connect the player to his/her profile on the roster.

Again, just remember that Rosters are virtual entries while Member Directories are the real-life members of the group. When you open a roster card and see contact details for the player and the parents, that tells you that these individuals are on GroupSpot and in your group. That removes some of the guesswork about whether someone is or isn’t in the group. 

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