Choosing Your Subgroups

Owners of a group use subgroups to tailor their posts and mass communications to smaller subsets of people within the larger group. For example, a nonprofit may use subgroups to reach specific committees, while a team may use subgroups to reach parents, alumni, and staff.

Once the subgroups are created, owners can either let the members choose their subgroups or they can assign the subgroups. In the scenario where owners let their members choose their subgroups, here’s where these choices are made:

Choosing Subgroups when Joining the Group

When members join a new group where owners let them choose their subgroups, they will come upon a standard Checklist to work through upon arrival as part of the onboarding process. Depending on the nature of the group, it will include things like Adjust your Profile Visibility and Set your Notifications. But it could also include other items like Join the Roster (if the feature is turned on), Add your Full Name (if required), and finally, Choose your Subgroups (if the owner allows).

When Choose your Subgroups is selected, members will see the full list of subgroups to choose from. Owners can have up to 10 subgroups per group. Members choose the subgroups that they belong to so that they receive the posts and mass communications that are most relevant to them. Once they’ve made their selections, remember to hit the green SAVE button.

Choosing Subgroups after Joining the Group

If you need to change or update your subgroups, or even if you skipped over the subgroup screen during the arrival to your new group, you can still choose your subgroups at any other time.

1. Open your group menu from your group’s home screen and choose Settings.

2. Under Personal Settings, select Subgroups.

3. Choose which subgroups you want to receive posts and mass communications.

4. Once you’ve made your choices, hit the green SAVE button.

Members can always double check their subgroups with the owners of the group to ensure everyone is on the same page, receiving the right communications, so no stone is left unturned. 

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