Choosing Your Post Display: From Calendar Only to Feed & Calendar (& vice versa)

GroupSpot gives you the flexibility to post to either your Feed & Calendar or Calendar Only depending on the nature of your post. Sometimes events or games, especially those in the future, are better suited to live on your calendar until you’re ready to move them over to your feed as the date approaches. Let’s take a closer look at this from post creation through post display.

1. From your create post screen, start by giving your new event or game a title or opponent, description, and add any optional details.

2. Add your date and start time. These are required fields for all events and games, which will then populate on your calendars.

3. Further down the event/game form you will see a row called Display On. For events, posts are defaulted to Feed & Calendar which means once published, the post will hit your feed and your calendar at the same time. This can easily be switched to Calendar Only if you want this event to live exclusively on your calendar.

4.Conversely, if you’re a sports or academic team, when you add your calendar of games for the upcoming season, the default is set to Calendar Only. The reason for this is that most games are normally inputted at once at the same time before the season begins, and as such, there’s no need to have games weeks/months out clogging up your feed. Again, it’s super easy to update your post display to Feed & Calendar.

5. Once you’ve made your choice on how you would like your post to display, select Post.

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