Adding RSVP to a Post

Having the ability to RSVP to your biggest events is important to any group. RSVPs are super flexible and can be added to any standard post, event, or game.

To a Standard Post:

1. Select the + icon in the bottom right corner of your create post screen. Choose RSVP from the menu of options.

2. Once selected, RSVP will automatically default to Required for All Members. Or if you change your mind, and no longer have a need for RSVP, you can switch it to Not Required or just X out of this screen.

To an Event or Game Post:

If you’re a team – sports, academic, or other – RSVP can extend to players or members on your roster or your entire group. You can now have an accurate headcount for the big game or the end-of-year BBQ.

1. Select the RSVP row to change the Not Required default setting. From the new screen, choose Required for All Members.

2. If you're running a team, you will  see an additional option of Required for Roster which is asking for player availability for those players on a roster instead of all members of the group.

3. Once you’ve locked in your RSVP, it’s time to Post.

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